Welcome to 桃县

The 税务专员 and his staff welcome you to 桃县. 提供以下信息,使您的搬家尽可能顺利. Links are provided here to various forms you will need. Please do not hesitate to call us if you have questions.

Register your vehicle if you have just moved from out of state

个人在定居后有30个日历日的时间登记他们的车辆. 州外车辆登记在30天后不再有效. 如果你没有在30天内登记你的车辆,罚款和罚款将被评估.

佐治亚州征收一次性产权从价税(产权税),税率为7%. This amount is due upon titling any motor vehicle. 点击这里 to determine the amount due.

New Georgia residents are required to pay 50 percent of the title tax at the time the vehicle is initially registered; the remaining title tax balance is due within one year. New residents who are leasing their vehicles do not have the option of paying 50 percent; the entire cost of registration must be paid to register the vehicle.

如果你有留置权人,乔治亚州的产权将邮寄给留置权人存档. 在结余的业权税结余全部付清之前,业权将不会被列印.
If you do not have a lienholder, 乔治亚州的产权将邮寄给登记的所有者,地址在文件中. 在结余的业权税结余全部付清之前,业权将不会被列印.

If your vehicle requires a Georgia title, 您将无法注册您的车辆并获得格鲁吉亚车牌(标签),如果您的名字中没有格鲁吉亚标题,或者在注册时没有申请标题.  点击这里的车辆类型需要在格鲁吉亚标题的列表.


  • Original out-of-state title issued in your name. OR
  • 如果你从另一个州搬来,你的贷款人或租赁公司持有你的州外产权, you must complete and sign a Statement of Title Held by Lien Holder or Leasing Company 并将其与有效的州外注册证书原件一起提交,以代替你的头衔.
  • If the vehicle is leased, 您还需要一份经公证的租赁公司授权书原件和租赁协议(注明租赁公司名称和地址)。.
  • 应用程序标题 所有车主在吊牌处签名或原件公证 授权书 for any owner who is not present.
  • Valid current registration from the former state.
  • Valid Georgia Insurance.
  • Date the owner moved to Georgia.
  • 当前里程.
  • 有效的乔治亚州驾驶执照或有效的乔治亚州身份证,每个车主的当前桃县地址.
  • If any owner is not present, 必须提供有效的乔治亚州驾驶执照或有效的乔治亚州身份证的清晰复印件.
  • 如果您需要了解如何获得佐治亚州驾照或佐治亚州身份证的信息, 点击这里.

Once your vehicle is registered, 你必须在每年车辆的换证截止日期前办理换证手续, which is the registered owner’s birthday. For more information about tag renewals in Georgia, 点击这里.

任何文件, 文书工作, 在桃县车牌局处理的车牌或更新贴纸只能退还给登记的车主或具有政府颁发的有效身份证明的家庭成员,该身份证明显示了与登记车主相同的姓氏和/或地址.



如果您不打算在不久的将来访问桃县标签办公室,您可以填写一份 Change of Address Request Form and fax or mail it as indicated on the form.

乔治亚州驾驶服务部门提供一个免费的地址更改在你的乔治亚州驾驶执照在线或亲自在他们的设施之一. 点击这里 了解更多信息.

If you've just bought property in 桃县

First of all, congratulations on your purchase!

购买新房产是一件令人兴奋、有益的事情,有时也会带来挑战. 税务专员办公室想让你尽可能顺利地过渡到新家. Remember that you can always contact us at wl-brown@peachcounty.Net或478-825-3161,或传真478-827-1312,如果您有具体问题.

Checklist for New Property Owners

  • Make sure your property taxes are paid in full by the due date. 即使在交易结束时按比例纳税,确保已缴纳税款也是明智的.
  • 如果你有一个托管账户,确保你的抵押贷款公司已经支付了税款. You may find this information by accessing your property tax information.
  • If this property is your primary residence, apply for your 宅地豁免. 您必须在纳税年度的1月1日拥有并占用您的房产才能获得豁免.

We do not send tax bills to mortgage companies. If your property taxes are in an escrow account, your property tax information will be made available to your mortgage company; however, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure taxes are paid. 如果你对你的抵押贷款公司是否会为你纳税有疑问, 联系他们, especially if your mortgage company has recently changed.


为了减轻乔治亚州房主从价税的负担,宅地豁免已经颁布. 在申请年度的1月1日起,所有占用房产的房主都可以获得宅地豁免. 

业主不得在任何其他财产上获得宅地豁免, including properties in other Georgia counties or in other states. Married couples are considered by law as a single family unit; therefore, 丈夫和妻子之间只能申请一次宅地豁免. 此外,申请人及其配偶拥有的所有车辆必须在桃县注册.

Download Application for 宅地豁免

To be granted a homestead exemption, a person must actually occupy the home, and the home is considered their legal residence for all purposes. 因健康原因离开家园的人不会被拒绝获得宅地豁免. 家庭成员或朋友可通知税务接管人或税务专员,便可获得宅地豁免. (O.C.G.A. § 48-5-40)

Download change of address form

Driver's License Information

New Georgia Residents: Before you can register your vehicle, you must get a Georgia driver's license or identification card.

乔治亚州驾驶服务部门颁发驾驶执照. Call 678-413-8400 or visit the DDS的网站 了解更多信息.


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